Charlotte Courdesses
RootsTraveler coordinator & Backpacker enthusiast - April 15, 2013 in Backpacking Around The World, Hiking Travel, I Want To Travel The World
Are You A Voyeur When Backpacking Around The World?
Being welcomed abroad by a new community or a family and experiencing life from the “inside” is – as far as I am concerned - the best thing to look for, almost if you’re a solo traveler looking for a deep cultural experience. Have you ever joined a wedding day in a foreign culture? Experienced a homestay in other cities or villages, uproot and taste pure exotism?
I just discovered this great blog: 90 Second Travel.com, from a young Californian solo traveler who left home after studies, for what he thought was holidays. He started backpacking and hiking around Asia, South and Est Africa. He had this good idea to create video vignettes in 90 seconds format, storytelling his backpacking and hiking adventures.
I really enjoyed this video, as he embraced an impromptu homestay in Nepal and where he shares feelings every traveler discover in foreign countries, when going beyond travel guides.
[Enjoy this video, please be patient while uploading - and don't forget to share if you like it!]
What about you? Have you ever experienced homestays abroad? How did you manage etiquette? Did you felt as a voyeur?
Please vote at the top of this post and then share your own experience in the comments at the bottom!
We also found these orther resources. Enjoy!
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