Luc Foin
Baladeo founder & RootsTraveler instigatorI am a the co-founder of Baladeo. Since 1995, I travel the world selecting the best gears to have in our backpacks and help people like you and me travelling around the world and explore the earth. "Roots Travelling" is a mindset we want to promote and inspire both seasoned globettroters or "wannabe" experience-rich travelers!
Charlotte Courdesses
RootsTraveler coordinator & Backpacker enthusiastIf only I could I would be traveling the world with my husband and 2 young children. I love packbaking, horse riding and sailing! Intense moments shared with the people I love exploring my own "ends of the earth". This is life! I now Luc from school and quickly decided to join his project being the kind of backoffice and coordinator he will need to support his vision of a growing community of Roots Travelers!
You? GuestBloggingHere
Who you are? What makes you awesome?You can appear here as a guest blogger for RootsTraveler. By writing in this blog and contributing to our community, you can increase your internet and social exposure and even get fans and subscribers. Yes, you can share your experience as an independant or around the world traveler. Interested? Read the Guest Blogging page...